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Prenup in Illinois: Understanding the Benefits and Legal Implications

Prenup in Illinois

The Role of Prenups in Illinois Marriages: Clarifying Financial and Legal Responsibilities The Role of a Prenup in Illinois Marriages A prenup in Illinois can be a vital component of a marriage, providing both clarity and protection for the spouses involved. While marriage is often viewed as a romantic partnership, it also entails significant financial […]

Child Custody When a Domestic Partnership Ends

Child Custody

Navigating Child Custody After a Domestic Partnership Dissolution The Importance of Child Custody in Domestic Partnerships Child custody becomes a critical issue when a domestic partnership ends, as determining the best arrangement for the children is paramount. The dissolution of any relationship, whether a marriage or a domestic partnership, involves complex emotional and legal challenges. […]

Understanding Paternity Testing: What It Accomplishes and Its Limitations

Paternity Testing

The Legal and Financial Significance of Paternity Testing Paternity testing plays a crucial role in determining the biological father of a child, carrying significant legal and financial implications. Establishing paternity legally obligates the father to provide financial support, ensuring that the child’s needs are met. This financial responsibility includes child support payments that contribute to […]

Fathers Seek Changes in Child Custody Laws

Mulyk Laho Law

A group of fathers has banded together to lobby for child custody law changes. The group, called Dads Can Too, believe that joint custody should be the starting point for all custody hearings in Illinois. The fathers in the group have struggled — in some cases for over a decade — to see their children more often […]

Avoiding an Acrimonious Custody Battle

Mulyk Laho Law

The unfortunate reality across the country is that couples continue to end their marriages. Divorce is a major decision that requires careful thought and consideration. There are several layers to address, including financial and property assets. But one of the biggest issues couples face are the arrangements to be put in place for any children of […]

Protective Orders in Domestic Violence Cases

Domestic Violence Protective Order

Domestic violence often remains hidden behind closed doors, with many victims afraid to speak out due to fear or cultural stigma. In the U.S., one in three women and one in four men have experienced physical violence from an intimate partner, and thousands of cases go unreported. If you or a loved one is facing abuse, legal protections such as an order of protection are available. These court orders can help prevent further harm by restricting an abuser’s actions, securing your safety, and ensuring temporary custody of children. The experienced attorneys at Mulyk Laho Law can guide you through the legal process with compassion and expertise, helping you obtain the protection you deserve.

Can Child Custody Mediation Work for You?

Child Custody Mediation

One of the most important and emotional factors in a divorce is figuring out how children of the marriage will be cared for. When going through a divorce, there are many issues to take into consideration. Where a couple has accumulated significant assets such as financial holdings, business ownership, real estate, trusts, and retirement assets, […]

Appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem in a Family Law Case

Mulyk Laho Law

The phrase, “in the best interests of a child” is a common but important phrase when it comes to protecting the youngest members of society. There are many situations where children need to be shielded from sensitive situations but their rights must be paramount. Certain legal situations such as a divorce, ensuing custody battles, criminal […]

Understanding Upcoming Changes to Illinois Child Support Laws

Mulyk Laho Law

The Illinois legislature has made some changes to the way child support is calculated, and it may impact your court-ordered child support. On July 1, 2017, courts will determine child support based on the “income shares” model. What Is the Income Shares Model? How Does It Differ from the Current Law? Under the income shares model, both […]

College Bound Children and Requests for Modified Child Support

Mulyk Laho Law

When couples divorce or separate, there are many layers as to how the family will manage themselves afterward. From the division of property to spousal maintenance and child support, are some of the relevant issues. When it comes to the children of a divorce, certain interests must be met to help ensure their best interests are […]

How to File for an Annulment under Illinois Law

Mulyk Laho Law

When most people hear of a couple ending their marriage, they automatically assume that the couple is divorcing. For thousands of couples, that is true, however, there are also many couples who choose to file for a legal annulment rather than a divorce. What is the difference? When a person files for a divorce, they […]

Fighting a Child Relocation in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

Learning that your child’s other parent wants to relocate your child can be a frightening experience. Your child, possibly hours away, could end up visiting you even less frequently. Those opportune moments that have given you extra time with them – when the other parent has to work late or go to the doctor – might no […]

How to Handle Parenting Time Schedules When Your Child Is Sick

Mulyk Laho Law

There can be nothing more upsetting to a parent than to see their child sick. We want nothing more than to be able to do everything in our power to make them feel better, and it is not uncommon for a parent to believe that they are the best one to take care of an […]

Behavior During Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

It can be hard to take the higher road when you are having an argument with your spouse — and this can be even more so the case if you are going through divorce. No matter how nasty or amicable the divorce seems to be, if you are dissolving your marriage, emotions are bound to be […]

De-Establishing Paternity in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

In most cases, biological parents are ordered to pay child support to help provide for expenses related to raising their children. There is, however, a strange and little known about law regarding child custody and support that could enforce a man to pay child support for a child that is not biologically his. That law, along with […]

Child Custody Modifications in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

When the court has issued a final order in an allocation of parental responsibilities case, the case usually isn’t over. Illinois law allows for both parents to ask the court to modify the order in the future. However, before you can get a modification you will need to meet several criteria. Significant Change in Circumstances In most […]

The Role of Civil Unions for Unmarried Couples in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

Many people mistakenly think of civil unions as something that no longer is needed because of the recent ruling of the Supreme Court extending the right of marriage to same sex couples all across the United States. However, in Illinois, civil unions are still an important part of family law that can benefit both heterosexual and homosexual […]

How Does the Illinois Child Support Process Work When Parents Split Up?

Mulyk Laho Law

One of the biggest questions parents have when they split up is how will child support work. Parents have a legal duty to financially support their children, and that obligation does not end just because the relationship has ended. Child Support Guidelines Illinois has a set of guidelines judges are required to consider when setting child support. […]

Can Mediation Help You Settle Your Divorce?

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorces can be difficult cases to resolve because the issues are deeply personal and the stakes are so high. However, most people will be happier with a solution they have a role in creating than a solution imposed by a court order. Mediation can help spouses resolve their differences and create a solution that works for everyone. […]

Preparing for an Adoption in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

Deciding to bring a child into your life can be an exciting, life changing, and fulfilling decision. There are hundreds of children in the Illinois child welfare system hoping to find a loving parent or family. Having the stability of a strong family life is key to children’s development, and many Illinois residents are qualified […]

Prenuptial Agreements: No Matter What Age You Wed

Mulyk Laho Law

What age presents the least risk of divorce for couples to get married at? For years, young couples have been told it is best to wait until they are older and more settled to wed, but is that really accurate advice? According to a new study, waiting may actually increase the risk of divorce. The study […]

Sexless Marriage and Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

Lack of sex is one major and very socially acceptable reason for divorce, yet lack of sex — or frequency of it — is a very subjective line to draw. What one couple may call a sexless marriage, another may call very sexually active. So how to draw the line of what is considered a sexless […]

Adoption and Reactive Attachment Disorder

Child Support

When a family decides to adopt a child, it is never an easy decision or one to take lightly. Not only will a new child in the family drastically change family dynamics, but there is also the consideration of the child who is being adopted—will he or she fit in with the rest of the family? Will […]

Divorce Can Make You a Better Parent

Mulyk Laho Law

Contrary to sometimes-popular belief, divorce can be good for children. If the marriage is especially explosive, it can be more detrimental to a child’s psyche than the dissolution of the union of his or her parents. When parents who are not in love—or who have an especially volatile relationship—“stay together for the kids,” it can often teach […]

What Marriage Equality Means for Same-Sex Couples

Mulyk Laho Law

In late June, the Supreme Court announced a historic ruling that effectively standardized marriage laws nationwide. Same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states, and will now be considered in the same ways as straight marriage—with all its ups and downs and confusing or complicating factors. As such, one can assume that the same types of […]

Post-Divorce Finances: The Basics

Mulyk Laho Law

If you are going through a divorce, figuring out your financial future can be one of the most daunting prospects of the entire ordeal. Knowing exactly what you are dealing with can help to ensure that you are not left without options after your finances are separate. This can be especially important if you were not […]

Are Your Prenup Fears Unfounded?

Prenup in Illinois

The stigma surrounding divorce may be tapering; however, the idea of a prenuptial agreement still causes many to run away scared. The suggestion or insistence of a prenuptial agreement may be viewed as a sign that one’s partner plans to end a marriage early, or is not in it—so to speak—for the long haul. It may also be interpreted […]

Civil Unions: Not Just for Same-Sex Couples

Mulyk Laho Law

With the increasing social acceptance of same-sex marriages across the country, many states are moving away from civil unions for same-sex couples. In February of 2014, according to the Cook County Clerk’s office, marriage licenses for same-sex couples became available, and a marriage equality law went into effect for the state of Illinois. While this certainly cut down […]

Divorce and Infidelity: Facts and Figures

Mulyk Laho Law

Infidelity can tear apart a couple. And for those who have experienced infidelity, it may seem like the leading cause for divorce. However, cheating is not the only major cause for marital dissolution. In fact, according to a report published by Utah State University, a “lack of commitment” is even more common. Moreover, there are several factors […]

Coping with Anxiety over a Joint Custody Agreement

Mulyk Laho Law

While shared or joint custody may seem like the best and most fair option for all parties involved after a divorce, it is not always easy. According to a personal story in The New York Times, learning how to deal with the separation from your child when it is the other parents’ turn to have custody can be […]

Defining Guardian ad Litem in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

If you are going through a divorce, or have had a cataclysmic event in your family, issues of child custody may arise. If a court determines that a child is unsafe, or will not be provided for in the home of his or her parents or parent, a court will rule that the child must […]

Divorce and Remarriage in the New Year

Mulyk Laho Law

It is that time of year again … for divorce. Known as “divorce month,” January sees a surge in divorce filings. Additionally, the first working Monday of the New Year has been dubbed the most popular day of the year to begin divorce proceedings. In an article on Yahoo! News, James McLaren, president of the American Academy […]

Spousal Maintenance Reform Comes to the Land of Lincoln

Mulyk Laho Law

For the last several years, advocates of alimony change in Illinois, New Jersey, South Carolina, and a number of other jurisdictions have asked their state legislatures to change spousal support laws. Last year, the Illinois state legislature passed significant revisions to the alimony law in Section 504. A judge still has some discretion when setting an amount and […]

Tips for Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

Initiating a divorce can be extremely difficult and emotional. However, once all other options have been explored and you are ready to begin the process, it is important to seek legal counsel. Working with an experienced professional from the onset of the process can help to save time and money, and it can also provide you with a […]

What is a “Bird’s Nest” Co-Parenting Agreement?

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorcing with children is never easy, but a new trend in divorce may make the dissolution of a parents’ marriage easier on children. This is because a so-called “bird’s nest” co-parenting agreement is the most child-centered co-parenting in which divorced parents can engage. A bird’s nest, or “nesting” agreement is one in which the children stay in […]

Tips for Divorce during the Holidays

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorce is difficult. The holidays are difficult. And when the two coincide, it can be one of the most agonizing times in a person’s life. Even if a marriage has been going downhill for some time, this can be particularly hard to remember during the holiday season when stereotypes of intact families and joyous partnerships […]

Obtaining a Mortgage after Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

Moving on after divorce can sometimes mean exactly that: moving. Changing homes can be both emotionally draining and time-consuming. Additionally, in a worst-case scenario, the person who is forced to leave the marital home is not the one who wanted the divorce in the first place. Unfortunately, for many, it does not get easier. According to an […]

Illinois National Adoption Day Festivities Kick Off Saturday

Mulyk Laho Law

This year marks the 15th anniversary of National Adoption Day—an initiative started to help move the nearly 10,000 children in U.S. foster care into permanent, loving homes. While it is not run by one advocacy group, it is a collective effort of policymakers, practitioners, and advocates who work together to finalize adoptions that are in the works. […]

Duggars Tie the Knot in Covenant Marriage

Mulyk Laho Law

Covenant marriage was back in the news recently, when Jill Duggar of 19 Kids and Counting marriedDerick Dillard in Bentonville, Arkansas. The couple is now expecting their first child. Jill’s sister, Jessa Duggar, recently married Ben Seewald. That ceremony was notable because of a celebrity appearance by actor Kirk Cameron and the couple’s decision to forego the […]

When Mediation Works in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

Ending a marriage is consistently rated as one of the most stressful life events that a person can go through. According to the American Institute of Stress’s Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory, divorce is the second most stressful event a person can endure, second only to the death of a spouse. Marital separation from one’s mate is […]

Divorced Parent Paying for College: Planning Ahead

Mulyk Laho Law

Sorting through complicated financial issues is one major hurdle that many divorcees fear. There may be complex decisions to make regarding spousal support or alimony, the division of property, or issues of child support when applicable. Additionally, if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have children together, sorting out how you plan to pay for your […]

Property Division after Divorce: A Brief Guide

Mulyk Laho Law

Difficult emotions, stress, and heated arguments are not the only hurdles divorcing couples face. One of the more tricky aspects of divorce is the division of property. Several gray areas exist and can lead to conflict between separating spouses, especially when an attorney is not present to review ownership and legal stipulations. Although property division is a […]

Grandparent Visitation Rights in Illinois

Mulyk Laho Law

All aspects of a family are affected by divorce. Not only are the children of divorce affected by the marital dissolution, the parents of the parents are also affected. Grandparent rights are often considered the most complicated visitation arrangements to be settled during a divorce, and not all grandparents have a right to visitation. According to The Huffington […]

Are Courts Taking Away the Rights of Divorced Parents?

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorced parents may be losing their rights, at least according to a recent opinion piece in The New York Times. Divorced parents can sue each other; however, married parents cannot. When this happens, judges are often left to determine what is best for the children of divorce—including where they will go to school and where they […]

Back-to-School Co-Parenting

Mulyk Laho Law

If you are a parent, back-to-school time can be one of the most stressful and busiest of the year. There are new clothes to buy, supplies to shop for, schedules to sort, and busy student days to work into your workday. This can be all the more complicated if you are divorced and have decided […]

Advice for Co-Parenting after Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorce is never easy. But sharing parenting duties after marital dissolution may be an even more difficult than the divorce itself. Not only does co-parenting after divorce force you to remain on good enough terms with your ex-spouse and successfully navigate shared schedules, duties, and responsibilities, it also means that you will likely have to see your ex-spouse […]

To Keep Or Not to Keep the Marital Home

Mulyk Laho Law

One of the most complicated steps of divorce is the division of marital property. If you and your spouse have been married for several years, this is all the more complex—especially if you have multiple pieces of property, cars, or share financial or operational duties in a small business. If you are considering divorce, the importance […]