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Adoption and Reactive Attachment Disorder

Child Support

When a family decides to adopt a child, it is never an easy decision or one to take lightly. Not only will a new child in the family drastically change family dynamics, but there is also the consideration of the child who is being adopted—will he or she fit in with the rest of the family? Will […]

Legal Recourse for Parental Alienation

Mulyk Laho Law

Parental alienation is the systematic breakdown of a child’s relationship with one parent after a divorce. It most commonly occurs after a contested or particularly nasty divorce. One parent may harbor extremely negative or detrimental feelings of the other and wants their shared child or children to be on his or her “side.’ The most […]

Advice for Co-Parenting after Divorce

Mulyk Laho Law

Divorce is never easy. But sharing parenting duties after marital dissolution may be an even more difficult than the divorce itself. Not only does co-parenting after divorce force you to remain on good enough terms with your ex-spouse and successfully navigate shared schedules, duties, and responsibilities, it also means that you will likely have to see your ex-spouse […]

The Benefits of Divorce for Children

Mulyk Laho Law

Couples considering divorce may opt to stay together for a myriad of reasons. And one of the most common reasons is children. While there are several psychological studies that point to divorce and the lasting negative effects it can have on children, recent research points to the fact that oftentimes parents who stay in a bad marriage do […]