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Power of Attorney

Designating A Representative

We’ll help safeguard your best interests for the future by establishing powers of attorney with someone you trust

Powers of attorney are essential components in any estate planning process. These documents give the person of your choosing the authority to act as your agent if/when you are unable to make important decisions for yourself. Without powers of attorney in place, your family will be forced to make difficult decisions for you if you become incapacitated. Unfortunately, those decisions may not be in line with your wishes. To ensure that your wishes are implemented by a person you trust, you must plan ahead. At Mulyk Laho Law, we can help you create a comprehensive estate plan that includes powers of attorney.

There are several types of powers of attorney. These include:

  • General Power of Attorney – Allows someone to make decisions for you whenever you are unavailable to make them for yourself (i.e. traveling, physically or mentally incapacitated). These decisions typically involve financial matters.
  • Limited Power of Attorney – Allows someone to make decisions for you under specific circumstances. This is typically used for temporary situations (i.e. selling a home).
  • Health Care Power of Attorney (Advance Directive) – Allows someone to make health care related decisions if you are physically or mentally incapacitated.

Powers of attorney generally terminate when the principal dies. These documents can also be modified or revoked at anytime. Our attorneys can counsel you on how to use powers of attorney in your estate plan.

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